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You will find homework weeks 1-8. On this page. Please look on the right hand side to see links to homework .
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What is a WYSIWYG editor? Give one example. -
What you see is what you get, a web authoring tool that makes creating web pages easy Dreamweaver is an example
What is a plain text editor? Give one example.
Text editor is used to developers and designers for developing code for web pages -notepad is commonly used
What is a hyperlink?
Links to other pages allow you to jump between web pages they connect pages together and are the basis for connectivity functions on a website such as navigation
What are three points to remember when naming your files?
What is JavaScript and what are some of its common uses?
Programming language used to develop interactive functions in a web site such as roll overs, resizing browsers and adding dynamic functionality to forms
Who is the WC3?
World Wide Web Consortium -they set standards and practices for web development and design example replacing HTML with XHTML
Please see the embedded Youtube™ video. Supposedly this guy has over 2 million hits. Personally this guys freaks me out a little bit , but enjoy.
Tim Berners-Lee
It can be said that his contributions led to the creation of the world wide web and the development of the first "what -you-what-you-get-editor". He graduated from Queen's College and worked various positions reaiting to software and computers in the UK. Eventually he started the World Wide Consortium at the Laboratory for Computer Science (LCS). In 1999 became the first holder of the 3Com Founders Chair. Awards that he has won includes: