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absolute URL | browser | content | CSS | Domain Name | FTP | homepage | HTML | index.html | Internet | link | meta tag | URL |W3C | WWW|Tim Berners Lee
div| font| network neutrality

absolute URL -

Also known as the full path- gives complete location of file names on a web page

browser -

Used to view a web page- there are various types and certain web elements can differ from browser to browser. IE6, Firefox and Mozilla are examples of different browsers

content -

Information presented on web page this can inlcude graphics, links in addition to text


Refers to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) used to esatblish the overall look and feel of web pages

Div <tag>-

Tag used to give structure and context to any block level content in a document

Domain Name -

Name of files on a web server, for eaxmple www.zen51.com

Font <tag>

Font element is a container whose contents are rendered with font characteristics defined by the element's attributes (back to top)


Refers to File Transfer Protocol used to upload web pages to a server (back to top)

homepage -

Main page used for a web page. This houses the content , menus for the web site. Generally index.hmtl is referred to as the home page. In some cases the home page can follow the splash page (back to top)


Refers to Hyper Text Markup Language, language used to create web pages (back to top)

index.html -

Index.html, can be used as web main page for some sites. Standard page used in creation of web sites (back to top)

Internet -

Cyberspace, ssystem devised for making information accessible around the world, this uses the world wide web as a vehicle (back to top)

link -

Used to connect information or one web page to another- linking gives web its connectivity (back to top)

meta tag -

Tag used to add tile, description or keywords to a web page. This can be very useful for search engines and giving visitors an idea of what a web page is about (back to top)

network neutrality-

The idea to treat all content, sites, and platforms equally. This allows the network to carry every form of information and support every kind of application. (back to top)


Uniform Resource Locators- this is the address for web pages, most addresses will include www. and the domain name. urls is how we find web pages (back to top)

W3C -

Web Consortium Council- establish rules and standards for elements of web page creation this includes but is not limited to CSS, HTML and XHTML (back to top)


Acronym for world wide web - the internet or system that links information together (back to top)

Tim Berners-Lee

It can be said that his contributions led to the creation of the world wide web and the development of the first "what -you-what-you-get-editor". He graduated from Queen's College and worked various positions reaiting to software and computers in the UK. Eventually he started the World Wide Consortium at the Laboratory for Computer Science (LCS). In 1999 became the first holder of the 3Com Founders Chair. Awards that he has won includes: (back to top)